Monday, October 19, 2009

The puzzle of disappointment

I am creating my own weather today, and I am under it. This makes no scientific sense. I wonder if I disappoint God more than I disappoint myself, since I have an indwelling Holy Spirit and have potential to do so much better. Or do I disappoint God less than I disappoint myself, since I expect myself to do better that He does. He knows my nature better than I do. One way or the other, it's disappointing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace's real mama! This is Grace's school mama! I first want to thank you for sharing Grace with us and trusting her to God while she is here and as she takes this journey of her life. We are so privileged to watch her grow in her maturity and relationship with Christ. We love her so much, every member of my family, and can't seem to remember what life was like without her in our lives.

    I wanted too to comment on your puzzlement in this post. It's something I too struggled with until the last few years, in my studying of the Word. I believe i have the answer to your question. He is not disappointed in you, both because he knows you still have a sin nature but also because of Christ. When He looks at you He sees only His Son and His atonement for all your shortcomings and scripture says we are now in Christ, a new creation. He sees Christ's life covering ours because of His death and our dying with Him. This is the true joy for the believer and our hope for this life. We are accepted in the beloved and the Father can never be disappointed in His Son, in Himself!
    I can't wait to meet you next month! And thanks again for the Sees Candy. You are my HERO!!!!
