Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wonder of Wonders

Will wonders never cease~
I now realize I have become a dinosaur. Guess what. Folks don't e-mail anymore in order to stay connected... they blog and facebook. Yes, I have resolved to facebook. Is that a verb? If Anita can do it, so can I. She is my inspiration. I'm not sure why anybody would want to know what I think on a regular basis, but after completing so many surveys over the last few years I have gotten used to self-disclosure. I'm not wearing any socks right now. I know that's random. I embarass myself sometimes. Sometimes?! I thank Sissy for letting me have access to her facebook page, where I found a window to the outside world. I thank Gracei for such amazing postings. So, to anyone who might be interested in my limited thoughts and ridiculous ramblings, a great big Hey!


  1. Hi! Great post. Welcome. I look forward to your new posts.

  2. Wow! You're lookin' good in that picture!! How long ago was that taken?

  3. Are you commenting yourself? HAHA that's fantastic! Nice blog....glad you're joining us!

  4. Gooooooooooooo Mommy!!!!!!!! This is gonna be great. Be careful...I think Redbelt2 is hitting on you...


  5. What a great day for the blogging world. I look forward to all your wisdom being dispensed through cyber world, You are not a dinosaur, you are too short. I say that with all respect because I am short too.
    Love You Friend!
