Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Don't put a face on God's blessings.

I was talking with a Christian sister... about 30 years ago, about dreams, plans and goals. I had hopes that God would bless me with one thing or another, I don't remember it all. She told me,"Don't put a face on God's blessings."

That's returned to me over the years as I would look around the corner, expecting God to answer my prayers according to my imagination. Now, why would He do that. Half the time my imagination isn't fit for mixed company. No, God is full of surprises.

Many times I blame God for His blessings, not seeing the value in His gift right away. When we started homeschooling, I felt like I was being punished for a wicked past and being sentenced to "hard time." What a lavish gift and blessing that ended up being. I had a different plan for those 15 years, and he gave me something far more exciting and valuable: 15 years of one on one time with my wonderful, loving children. How could I buy such a treasure?

Often in the last few years, He blesses me with a friend. It's usually someone I never would have guessed would be such a lovely part of my life. And that's just what I'm thankful for tonight. God gave me a friend who encourages me to grow spiritually. She's faithful and patient with me. She overlooks my shortcomings, and praises my little bits of progress which encourages me more than she'll ever know. She's the bit of sunshine that I look forward to each Sunday. But, she's not the partner I would have thought God would give me to get me moving forward again. I would have put a much older face on her. She just turned 13 this week! Who would have thought that Bekah B, (who I affectionately refer to as "Dot") would be my special friend this year.

Thank you, God, for all the special people you put in my life. You are kind and generous. And thanks especially for my Dot. She blesses my heart. Please bless her too.

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